Vultures prefer roosting near civilization

Human-altered landscapes often bring hardships for wildlife—unless you're a vulture, according to a new study by University of Georgia researchers.

Do 'Dear CEO' letters make a difference?

For several years now, large investment firms have used public proclamations, like BlackRock's "Dear CEO" letters, to signal their commitment to corporate social responsibility. New research shows the companies these firms ...

New heat exposure model can protect citizens

Increasingly extreme heat threatens the health and comfort of city dwellers. That's why researchers from the University of Georgia have developed a new dynamic heat exposure index that captures varying heat exposure within ...

Sexual relationship norms affected by social media

Men and women often have differing views around the expected norms for romantic relationships, consent and sexual activity, and the messages and images they consume on social media may play a role in shaping those perceptions, ...

A history of colorism sheds light on discrimination today

Colorism is a form of discrimination, typically within a racial or ethnic group, favoring people with lighter skin over those with darker skin. This pernicious form of discrimination is often overshadowed in discussions about ...

Study reveals gophers' biofluorescence

You can learn a lot about animals by simply watching them. But some secrets can only be revealed in the dark … with an ultraviolet flashlight.

Tracking wild peanut genes to improve crop resilience

A decade ago, University of Georgia plant scientists David and Soraya Bertioli were living and working in Brazil when they began to wonder about peanut plants they encountered in different corners of the world with an astounding ...

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