An immersive tactile book for blind children

Children with visual impairment do not perceive the world in the same way as sighted people. As a result, they need specific educational tools, including children's books, that enhance their skills and senses. A team from ...

How the flu virus hacks our cells

Influenza epidemics, caused by influenza A or B viruses, result in acute respiratory infection. They kill half a million people worldwide every year. These viruses can also wreak havoc on animals, as in the case of avian ...

Scales or feathers? It all comes down to a few genes

Scales, spines, feathers and hair are examples of vertebrate skin appendages, which constitute a remarkably diverse group of micro-organs. Despite their natural multitude of forms, these appendages share early developmental ...

The unexpected contribution of medieval monks to volcanology

By observing the night sky, medieval monks unwittingly recorded some of history's largest volcanic eruptions. An international team of researchers, led by the University of Geneva (UNIGE), drew on readings of 12th and 13th ...

Sculpting quantum materials for the electronics of the future

The development of new information and communication technologies poses new challenges to scientists and industry. Designing new quantum materials—whose exceptional properties stem from quantum physics—is the most promising ...

Climate lessons from the last global warming

The Earth experienced one of the largest and most rapid climate warming events in its history 56 million years ago: the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), which has similarities to current and future warming. This episode ...

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