Breaking the limit of chemical compounds

Since the end of the 19th century, transition metal carbonyls have been an important and familiar class of compound in coordination chemistry and organometallic chemistry. In these materials, carbon monoxide molecules (CO) ...

Wild bees need deadwood in the forest

How many tree species are there in the forest? How are the trees scattered throughout? How high are the individual tree crowns? Are there fallen trees or hollowed-out tree trunks? Forest scientists characterize forests according ...

Bacterial protein impairs important cellular processes

Areas of skin that have been damaged by an injury are ideal niches for the concentration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium which impairs the healing process in tissue and creates favorable conditions for infections. ...

A matter of concentration

Plants can grow whole new organs with the help of pluripotent stem cells throughout their entire lives. When necessary, these stem cells can develop into any type of cell within an organism. The biologist Prof. Dr. Thomas ...

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