Examining the ongoing global land rush

Since the beginning of the century, the world has experienced a global land rush with thousands of transnational land investments being made by foreign entities resulting in a surge of large-scale land acquisitions, which ...

New way to boost catalyst activity

Catalysts are workhorses that help reactions occur. Put to work, they transform starting materials, such as fossil fuels, biomass or even waste, into products and fuels with minimal energy.

Creating sustainable material from waste

It's no secret that we need more sustainable materials if we hope to help the planet. Bio-derived materials are one potential option, but they must be economical if anyone is going to use them.

New atomic data portal

Even if you're one of the most precise physicists on the planet—as University of Delaware Professor Marianna Safronova is—you still will need collaborators whose skills complement your own and make new opportunities possible.

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