Some hummingbirds resort to sneaky methods to obtain nectar

A 50-year project recently came to fruition for UConn researchers. In their paper recently published in The American Naturalist, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Emeritus Professor Robert Colwell and his colleagues—all ...

A cost-effective, efficient way to assess soil health at scale

Saying soil is important is an understatement. From serving as the medium where most of our food is grown, to sequestering carbon and reducing atmospheric CO2 concentrations, to being the home for enormous quantities of biodiversity—including ...

Mapping Connecticut's understory from outer space

Distinguishing separate plant species from one another is hard even for human eyes; however, a team of UConn researchers was able to use data from a satellite nearly 500 miles (786km) above Earth's surface to map Connecticut's ...

Researchers identify genetic makeup of new strains of West Nile

Researchers at Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) located in UConn's College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources identified the genetic makeup of strains of West Nile virus found in an alpaca ...

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