Climate journalism is strong in hard-hit countries

Climate change has disproportionate impacts globally, and in the most vulnerable and impacted countries, journalists report on the issue in unique and in-depth ways, according to a study published in Environmental Research ...

Police pullback linked to increases in crime

When police pull back, crime accelerates. But policing alone is no cure-all. That's the takeaway from a new Denver-area study co-authored by researchers at CU Boulder and collaborators in Nebraska, Michigan, and South Carolina.

'Climate contrarianism' is down but not out, expert says

In 2011, Max Boykoff attended the 2011 Heartland Institute's Sixth International Conference on Climate Change in Washington, D.C., to better understand how the prominent conservative think tank was influencing the climate ...

What coffee with cream can teach us about quantum physics

Add a dash of creamer to your morning coffee, and clouds of white liquid will swirl around your cup. But give it a few seconds, and those swirls will disappear, leaving you with an ordinary mug of brown liquid.

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