Research into ground improvement technique ahead of earthquakes

Juan Carlos Tiznado is the lead author on a new paper in the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering that helps engineers better understand and predict the "liquefaction" hazard during earthquakes and more ...

Common arctic finches are all the same species

For birders struggling to figure out what kind of Redpoll they're watching, new research from the University of Colorado Boulder says don't worry—the different species are actually all one and the same.

The financial dangers of echo chambers

As ongoing revelations about Facebook's algorithm are showing, social media's ability to shape our attitudes by steering users into echo chambers is raising questions about our national discourse and drawing increasing attention ...

Can startups be the vessel for solving climate change?

Entrepreneurs in the business of protecting the environment may be more effective at addressing climate change than sweeping policies or legacy companies trying to go green, according to a new study out of CU Boulder's Leeds ...

The single population is growing, and it's time to grow with it

Recent Pew Research Center data shows that nearly half of U.S. adults are unmarried––and half of that population is not interested in dating. Yet, being in a relationship and, ultimately, a marriage continues to be a ...

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