Supermassive black hole influences star formation

A European team of astronomers led by Professor Kalliopi Dasyra of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, under participation of Dr. Thomas Bisbas, University of Cologne modeled several emission lines ...

Default options facilitate faster carbon offsetting in air travel

The defaults on a carbon offsetting website can cause a large percentage of customers to select faster CO2 compensation, even if this entails higher costs. In cooperation with a web portal offering carbon offsetting, a research ...

New method to produce chemically modified mRNA developed

In a recent study, the research group at the University of Cologne's Institute of Organic Chemistry led by Professor Dr. Stephanie Kath-Schorr describes a novel method for the enzymatic production of synthetic messenger RNA ...

Infant stars identified at the center of our galaxy

What was previously identified as a gas and dust cloud at the center of our galaxy actually consists of three very young stars. That is the result of a new study led by scientists from the University of Cologne's Institute ...

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