What you didn't learn in school about sexual health

If you're looking for science-based, judgment-free intel, a lot of sexual health stories leave something to be desired. Cosmopolitan has decided on "10 Sex Things Every Woman Should Do." Every woman—got that? No exceptions!

Hybrid cancer drug could be resistance-resistant

A team of cancer researchers led by scientists at UC San Francisco and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center demonstrated in human cells and mouse models that a first-of-its-kind hybrid drug can outsmart drug-resistant cancers.

Social security: Fixing the glaring gap for women

(Phys.org) -- After a lifetime of lower wages and time out of the labor market for caregiving, women typically receive less from Social Security than men, with millions of widows and women of color falling into poverty in ...

Big jolt to state economy with new tax on cigarettes

A new UCSF analysis has found that a state ballot initiative to increase the cigarette tax would create about 12,000 jobs and nearly $2 billion in new economic activity in California.

Obesity clues in humans may be unearthed first in a worm

Obesity is not regarded as an epidemic among tiny worms that dine on bacteria — but for humans battling weight gain with seemingly insatiable appetites, research on a soil-dwelling roundworm may lead to clues for weight ...

'QB3 Startup In A Box' helps UC entrepreneurs launch companies

Biophysicist Adam Abate showed up seven months late to his new faculty position at UCSF with an unusual excuse: he was busy setting up the technology for a new company based on one of the 10 patents he had received as a postdoctoral ...

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