Stem cell advance may increase efficiency of tissue regeneration

A new stem-cell discovery might one day lead to a more streamlined process for obtaining stem cells, which in turn could be used in the development of replacement tissue for failing body parts, according to UC San Francisco ...

Structure of key pain-related protein unveiled

In a technical tour de force, UC San Francisco (UCSF) scientists have determined, at near-atomic resolution, the structure of a protein that plays a central role in the perception of pain and heat.

Cell growth discovery has implications for targeting cancer

The way cells divide to form new cells—to support growth, to repair damaged tissues, or simply to maintain our healthy adult functioning—is controlled in previously unsuspected ways UC San Francisco researchers have discovered. ...

Flame retardants in blood drop after state ban

A class of flame retardants that has been linked to learning difficulties in children has rapidly declined in pregnant women's blood since the chemicals were banned in California a decade ago, according to a study led by ...

RNA molecule behind behavior changes cued by environment

Quick changes in behavior – in worms, at least – can be triggered by a unique form of the molecule RNA acting within the nucleus of a cell, UC San Francisco researchers have discovered.

Researchers discover species-recognition system in fruit flies

A team led by UC San Francisco researchers has discovered a sensory system in the foreleg of the fruit fly that tells male flies whether a potential mate is from a different species. The work addresses a central problem in ...

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