The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) was originally established as a teacher's college in 1907. In 1944, UCSB joined the University of California system and represents one of the 10 sister campuses of the UC system. UCSB has a student enrollment of 20,000 plus in the graduate and undergraduate programs. Today, five Nobel Laureates are on the faculty of UCSB. Finn E. Kydland—Economics, David J. Gross—Physics, Alan J. Heeger—Chemistry, Herbert Kroemer—Physics and Walter Kohn—Chemistry. UCSB features the Center for Biologically Inspired Nanocomposite Materials, Center for Nanotechnology for Treatment, Understanding and Monitoring of Cancer, Center for Nanotechnology in Society, The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and approximately eight other specialized institutes for research in science. UCSB has a strong computing and technology component. Research abstracts are published on-line and further information is available through the Public External Affairs Center.

University of California, Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 93106-2100

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