Deaf moths evolved noise-cancelling scales to evade predators

Some species of deaf moths can absorb as much as 85 per cent of the incoming sound energy from predatory bats—who use echolocation to detect them. The findings, published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface today, ...

Two-ball bounce problem explained

Researchers from the University of Bristol have revisited a well-known classroom demonstration where a lighter ball is dropped on top of a larger heavier ball and offer a model to explain the phenomenon.

Scientists demonstrate all-fiber quantum logic

A team of physicists and engineers have demonstrated all-fibre quantum logic, where single photons are generated and used to perform the controlled-NOT quantum logic gate in optical fibres with high fidelity.

Origin of birds confirmed by exceptional new dinosaur fossils

( -- Chinese scientists today reveal the discovery of five remarkable new feathered dinosaur fossils which are significantly older than any previously reported. The new finds are indisputably older than Archaeopteryx, ...

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