Simulation provides images from the carbon nucleus

What does the inside of a carbon atom's nucleus look like? A new study by Forschungszentrum Jülich, Michigan State University and the University of Bonn provides the first comprehensive answer to this question. In the study, ...

Acidification of slurry to reduce ammonia and methane emissions

Ammonia released into the environment is a major problem. Agriculture is considered the most prolific polluter—it is responsible for 95 percent of these emissions in Germany. The colorless, acrid gas is toxic in higher ...

Astronomers discover helium-burning white dwarf

A white dwarf star can explode as a supernova when its mass exceeds the limit of about 1.4 solar masses. A team led by the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics (MPE) in Garching and involving the University of ...

How blocking cell wall formation stops bacterial cell division

Researchers still do not understand exactly how antibiotics kill bacteria. However, this understanding is necessary to develop new antibiotics. And that is precisely what is urgently needed, because bacteria are currently ...

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