Why beer mats do not fly in a straight line

Anyone who has ever failed to throw a beer mat into a hat should take note: physicists at the University of Bonn have discovered why this task is so difficult. However, their study also suggests how to significantly increase ...

Social norms influence willingness to protect the climate

People contribute only very little to climate protection, because they underestimate the willingness of others to contribute. This is the central result of a new study by the behavioral economists Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva, ...

Stoneflies: Youth influences adulthood

In the majority of insects, metamorphosis fosters completely different-looking larval and adult stages. For example, adult butterflies are completely different from their larval counterparts, termed caterpillars. This "decoupling" ...

Simple entropies for complicated molecules

Chemists of the University of Bonn developed a computational tool for the analysis of conformational entropies of flexible molecules. Their method enables the thermodynamic investigation of complicated chemical systems by ...

Bacteria help plants grow better

A current study by scientists of the University of Bonn and Southwest University in China sheds light on an unusual interdependence: Maize can attract special soil bacteria that, in turn, help the plants to grow better. In ...

A dinosaur tail vertebra leads researchers on the right track

Scientists from Mahasarakham University (Thailand) and the University of Bonn have examined the newly discovered caudal vertebrae of a spinosaurid dinosaur that could belong to Siamosaurus suteethorni. The comparison with ...

Molecule attacks coronavirus in a novel way

Scientists at the University of Bonn and the caesar research center have isolated a molecule that might open new avenues in the fight against SARS coronavirus 2. The active ingredient binds to the spike protein that the virus ...

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