The University of Bonn was established in 1818 in Bonn, Germany. Today, the university has more than 27,000 students. Among notable University of Bonn graduates are seven Nobel Laureates, Friedrich Nietzsche, Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Schumpeter and more. The University of Bonn is noted for its medical genetics, mathematics, physics, chemical biology and neurosciences programs. The University of Bonn publishes its research highlights and abstracts on-line. The University of Bonn is respected world-wide for its research in the sciences.

Abteilung 8.2 - Presse und Kommunikation Meinhard Heinze-Haus Poppelsdorfer Allee 49, 53115 Bonn

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Farmland weeds can help combat pests

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Study shows plants restrict use of corrective 'Tipp-Ex proteins'

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Mysterious bones may have belonged to gigantic ichthyosaurs

Several similar large, fossilized bone fragments have been discovered in various regions across Western and Central Europe since the 19th century. The animal group to which they belonged is still the subject of much debate ...

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