Toward the origin of America's first settlers

The most supported traditional hypothesis points out that the earliest well-established human culture in the North American continent were the Clovis, a population of hunters who arrived about 13,000 years before present ...

Bats and rabies virus: More data on colonies at high risk

A new approach to rabies virus epidemiology in bats shows that the risk of infection is higher in large and multispecies colonies. The research, published on the journal PLOS ONE, has been led by Jordi Serra Cobo, professor ...

New evidence on the diet of the 'Homo antecessor' from Atapuerca

The Homo antecessor, a hominin species that inhabited the Iberian Peninsula around 800,000 years ago, had a mechanically more demanding diet than other hominin species in Europe and the African continent. This unique pattern, ...

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