The University of Abertay Dundee, usually known simply as Abertay University, is a modern university in Dundee, Scotland. The University of Abertay Dundee was created in 1994, under government legislation granting the title University to the Dundee Institute of Technology. This organisation - focussed on broadening educational access to the working classes of Dundee - was founded in 1888 as Dundee College of Technology. It was recognised as an "industrial university" by the Scottish Office as early as 1902 and gained independent degree-giving authority in the 1970s. Abertay is situated in the centre of Dundee. The campus buildings include the historic Old College buildings of Dundee Business, an award-winning library, purposely designed scenes of crime teaching facilities, specialist Ethical Hacking labs designed for research into computer Hacking and misuse, and state of the art computer games labs in the Centre for Excellence. As one of the nation’s smallest universities, Abertay has a tight knit student community of both local talent and international students. Approximately one fifth of Abertay's students are from outside the UK.

40 Bell Street, Dundee, Scotland, Scotland

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