Retail food prices rose with COVID-19 worldwide

By now, most Americans have felt the effects of global crises on their grocery bills. Recent research published in the journal Nature Food has found this to be a worldwide phenomenon. As part of a project called Food Prices ...

A new portable device to test equine lung function

When it comes to medical procedures, horses are like young children, says Melissa Mazan, V93, a professor of large animal medicine at Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine. Horses won't necessarily comply with requests to ...

Gasoline costs and the effects of suspending gas taxes

Gas prices are spiking these days—well over $4 a gallon—and several states have temporarily lifted their gas taxes to give consumers some price relief. But how high are today's gas prices, if we adjust for inflation? ...

Transforming our climate strategy

The climate crisis is here, and it's worse than we predicted, according to Erin Coughlan de Perez, a Feinstein International Center scientist, and hundreds of experts from around the world.

Child abuse actually decreased during COVID

Against the dismal health landscape of the pandemic, researchers have discovered some good news about family well-being. Physician Robert Sege, a Tufts University School of Medicine professor of medicine and pediatrics and ...

Looking up at the asteroids in the neighborhood

Asteroids fly through our solar system all the time, but it's rare for us to take notice of them. But that's changed this week, as an asteroid passes within 1,231,184 miles of Earth on January 18. The asteroid, dubbed 7482 ...

Coffee and the effects of climate change

Whether you prefer notes of berry and citrus or chocolate and nuts, dark roast or light, a good cup of coffee can be a simple pleasure. You probably would notice if some of your morning brew's brightness disappeared, or if ...

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