How long do insects last?

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin have shown that although insects are made from one of the toughest natural materials, their legs and wings can wear out over time. The findings have been just published in the Journal ...

Researchers discover eight new Thai plant species

Researchers in the Trinity Botany Department's Herbarium, together with Thai collaborators, have just discovered eight species, three subspecies and four varieties of the plant genus Eriocaulon from Thailand, all new to Science.

New Research Investigates How Diseases Spread in Primates

A new international study has investigated how diseases are shared among species of primates with a view to predicting what diseases may emerge in humans in the future. The findings aim to help in the fight against these ...

Why don't insect wings break?

Researchers from Trinity College Dublin have shown that the wings of insects are not as fragile as they might look. A study just published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE now shows that the characteristic network of veins ...

Scientists advance understanding of how flowers are formed

( -- Scientists from the Smurfit Institute of Genetics at Trinity College Dublin have made a significant breakthrough in understanding the genetic processes underlying flower development. The research funded by Science ...

New Irish study on how safe cyclists feel

The findings of the largest survey to date on the perception of safety among cyclists in Dublin have been published by engineering researchers at Trinity College Dublin, University College Cork and University of Hong Kong.

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