Scientists blueprint tiny cellular 'nanomachine'

Scientists have drawn up molecular blueprints of a tiny cellular 'nanomachine', whose evolution is an extraordinary feat of nature, by using one of the brightest X-ray sources on Earth.

The end of the fossil fuel age?

The Paris climate change deal signifies the beginning of the end of the fossil fuel age, according to climatologist Professor John Sweeney, who was among speakers responding to the Paris climate change deal at a public event ...

Mapping winds and dune evolution on the Red Planet

Three Irish scientists have discovered how winds shape sand dunes on Mars by using image data from the HiRISE camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and then comparing patterns with wind models that were tested on dunes ...

How badgers get ahead in game of life

New research has shown that badgers, one of Ireland's most iconic wild creatures, roll the dice in their sex lives to gain an all-important edge in the game of life.

Genetic mutants alter entire biological communities

Scientists from Trinity College Dublin have discovered that one gene mutation in a single species can trigger dramatic changes in whole biological communities; changes can be as great as those caused by the extinction of ...

Non-native species are transforming grassland ecosystems

Non-native 'space invaders' are transforming the world's precious grassland ecosystems, with new research showing that they do far better than native plant species in the presence of fertiliser and large herbivores like kangaroos, ...

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