Social robot interacts naturally with young children

In cooperation with a consortium of European universities and companies, researchers at the Tilburg center for Cognition and Communication (TiCC) at Tilburg University are developing a social robot that is designed to interact ...

The Netherlands not ready for smart and sustainable energy system

The Netherlands is lagging hopelessly behind in implementing European obligations for a transition to smart and sustainable energy. According to Professor Saskia Lavrijssen, this is the current state of affairs in the Netherlands, ...

Executive diversity—a powerful predictor of stock returns

A new paper from Tilburg University, 'Diversity Investing', provides more evidence supporting the case for diverse executive teams. Between 2002 and 2014, US firms whose management teams were more diverse, in terms of personal ...

Lower energy bills lead to higher energy demand

Household energy consumption is decreasing thanks to energy efficiency policies but, as a result of the lower energy bill, consumers use more energy. The effect is that approximately one third of the energy efficiency gains ...

Behavioral economics applied to new pension contracts

The optimal new pension contract can and must take into account people's need for certainty and the possibility to spread the risk of financial setbacks out over time. Servaas van Bilsen argues this in his PhD thesis, Essays ...

Gamers who buy advantages are respected less by other players

How do gamers perceive other gamers that buy an in-game advantage using microtransactions (real money)? In studies with 532 active gamers as participants, psychologists from Tilburg University and UC Berkeley found that players ...

CEOs gamble with shareholders' money

CEOs of conglomerates are trusting heavily on their 'gut feeling' when it comes to investment decisions. A new study finds that by doing so, they are destroying shareholder value. At the cost of more rational options, CEOs ...

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