Computer program recognises any language

If computers are rendered capable of recognising speech it will one day be the norm to give commands by voice rather than via a keyboard. “Speaking” with a mobile phone is already commonplace for many people. ...

Climate change to lengthen growing season

Across much of Norway, the agricultural growing season could become up to two months longer due to climate change. A research project has been studying the potential and challenges inherent in such a scenario.

Raising efficiency, sustainability in salmon farming

Increasingly, plant-based ingredients are being substituted for marine ingredients in fish feed. Is there a limit to how much of a vegetarian diet salmon can tolerate? Marta Bou Mira is seeking answers.

Closed fish-farming "bags" must withstand nature's forces

New kinds of aquaculture net cages that physically separate the farmed salmon from the open waters are already in the testing phase. The idea is to prevent the dreaded salmon louse from ever reaching its intended victim by ...

"Pressured" for a solution

A simple five-minute pressure treatment makes farmed salmon sterile. Florian Sambraus may have found the solution to a highly controversial issue in Norwegian salmon production.

Finding the nano-needle in the haystack

Norwegian researchers are among the first in the world to use radioactivity to trace nanoparticles in experimental animals and soil. Their findings have made it easier to identify any negative environmental impact of nanoparticles, ...

Exposing the secrets of costly viruses

Researchers are making headway in discovering how two harmful viruses – ISAV and IPNV – sidestep the salmon immune system. Effective viral vaccines are now in sight.

Learning platform uses quiz concept

Can university students, schoolchildren and employees play their way to knowledge? Can computerised games help to reverse worrisome school drop-out rates? Yes, say the researchers behind the Norwegian-developed Kahoot! learning ...

Internet research to level the playing field

Short delays on the Internet can have serious consequences for share-traders or players of online computer games. Norwegian ICT researchers intend to do something about it.

Good vision for a good appetite

The incidence of cataracts in farmed salmon is on the rise due to vegetable-based feeds, a strong focus on fish growth and warm waters. "This is a condition we can do something about," asserts Sofie Charlotte Remø.

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