Turning algae into biofuels

Pecos is usually egg-frying hot, bone dry and much of the groundwater is brackish, but Texas A&M AgriLife Research personnel know the area is prime real estate for conducting algae research, something they've been doing successfully ...

How to help beneficial insects survive winter

While a decrease in insects as the weather cools is a plus to many people, Texans should keep in mind that beneficial insects in gardens and yards could use a little help.

Another word for Mars is dust, says rover camera operator

(Phys.org) —There's a four-letter word to describe conditions on Mars, and it's not pretty: Dust. It is everywhere and anywhere on Mars, and dust is a key component of Martian weather, says a Texas A&M University researcher ...

New hydrogels wither while stem cells flourish for tissue repair

Baby diapers, contact lenses and gelatin dessert. While seemingly unrelated, these items have one thing in common—they're made of highly absorbent substances called hydrogels that have versatile applications. Recently, ...

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