Fear of terror may lead to job burnout over time

Terrorist attacks around the world continue to grow in scope and severity. In the aftermath of such attacks, authorities are usually quick to address the needs of victims and their relatives. But what about terrorism's impact ...

Lizards and snakes: Less sex + more greens = longer life

Doctors tell us that the frenzied pace of the modern 24-hour lifestyle—in which we struggle to juggle work commitments with the demands of family and daily life—is damaging to our health. But while life in the slow lane ...

A heartbeat away? Hybrid 'patch' could replace transplants

Because heart cells cannot multiply and cardiac muscles contain few stem cells, heart tissue is unable to repair itself after a heart attack. Now Tel Aviv University researchers are literally setting a new gold standard in ...

Novel nanovehicle transports drug cocktail to target cancer

Combination therapies, or "drug cocktails," are part and parcel of modern anti-cancer treatments today. The more researchers learn about cancer and its surreptitiously lethal impact on the body, the more urgent the need to ...

Crime rates may fluctuate depending on authority in charge

In 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court forced California to deal with the massive overcrowding in its prison system. The resulting reform shifted administrative and budgetary responsibility for low-level criminals from the state ...

The 'memory' of starvation is in your genes

During the winter of 1944, the Nazis blocked food supplies to the western Netherlands, creating a period of widespread famine and devastation. The impact of starvation on expectant mothers produced one of the first known ...

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