'Greening' your flat screen TV

Electronic products pollute our environment with a number of heavy metals before, during and after they're used. In the U.S. alone, an estimated 70% of heavy metals in landfill come from discarded electronics. With flat screen ...

A 'magnetic' solution to identify and kill tumors

Though a valuable weapon against cancerous tumors, radiation therapy often harms healthy tissue as it tries to kill malignant cells. Now, Prof. Israel Gannot of Tel Aviv University's Department of Biomedical Engineering is ...

Reading the zip codes of 3,500-year-old letters

Unfortunately, when ancient kings sent letters to each other, their post offices didn't record the sender's return address. It takes quite a bit of super-sleuthing by today's archaeologists to determine the geographical ...

A launchpad for stem cell research

Stem cell research holds promise for improving the quality of human life -- especially embryonic stem cells, which can potentially develop into any tissue in the human body. However, basic scientific problems still remain ...

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