Tel Aviv University (TAU) is the largest institution for higher learning in Israel. TAU has both graduate and undergraduate programs with over 106 departments and 90 research institutes. In addition, TAU maintains supervision over the Centre for Technological Design, The New Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yaffo and Tel Aviv Engineering College. TAU through its international partnerships encourages study-abroad programs with numerous universities. American Friends of Tel Aviv University is a fund-raising, communications foundation formed to promote Tel Aviv University. TAU encourages public review of its research and newsletter on-line American Friends of Tel Aviv University have a separate web-site devoted to synthesizing matters affecting Tel Aviv University. See:

P.O. Box 39040 Tel Aviv 69978 ISRAEL

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Biodegradable transistors -- made from us

Silicon, a semi-conducting element, is the basis of most modern technology, including cellular phones and computers. But according to Tel Aviv University researchers, this material is quickly becoming outdated in an industry ...

Lightning sprites are out-of-this-world

Only a few decades ago, scientists discovered the existence of "sprites" 30 to 55 miles above the surface of the Earth. They're offshoots of electric discharges caused by lightning storms, and a valuable window into the composition ...

A 200,000-year-old cut of meat

Contestants on TV shows like Top Chef and Hell's Kitchen know that their meat-cutting skills will be scrutinized by a panel of unforgiving judges. Now, new archaeological evidence is getting the same scrutiny by scientists ...

Watching stem cells repair the human brain

There is no known cure for neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington's, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. But new hope, in the form of stem cells created from the patient's own bone marrow, can be found ― and literally ...

'Buckyballs' to treat multiple sclerosis

If you're of a certain age, you'll remember Buckminster Fuller's distinctive "geodesic domes" - soccer-ball-shaped structures that the late futurist envisioned as ideal human domiciles. Tel Aviv University chemists remember ...

Applying the art of origami to advance 3D bioprinting

Researchers at Tel Aviv University relied on principles of origami, the Japanese art of paper folding, to develop an original and innovative solution for a problem troubling researchers worldwide: positioning sensors inside ...

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