Study reveals extent of gender inequality in start-up landscape

Women are significantly underrepresented in German and French start-ups, especially in technical industries. This applies to both founders and employees, as a study from TUM in collaboration with the Roland Berger Foundation ...

Climate simulation more realistic with artificial intelligence

Accurately modeling extreme precipitation events remains a major challenge for climate models. These models predict how the earth's climate may change over the course of decades and even centuries. To improve them especially ...

Neutrons help track down mammalian ancestors

A team of German and Argentinian researchers has used neutrons in the FRM II research neutron source at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) to identify an animal species that has been extinct for 220 million years. Findings ...

Viruses help combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

More and more bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Bacteriophages are one alternative in the fight against bacteria. These viruses attack very particular bacteria in a highly specific way. Now a Munich research ...

First electric nanomotor made from DNA material

A research team led by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has succeeded for the first time in producing a molecular electric motor using the DNA origami method. The tiny machine made of genetic material self-assembles ...

Shining some light on an obscure proteome

Mass-spectrometry based proteomics is the big-data science of proteins that allows the monitoring of the abundance of thousands of proteins in a sample at once. Therefore, it is a particularly well-suited readout for discovering ...

Mass spectrometry-based draft of the mouse proteome

Proteins control and organize almost every aspect of life. The totality of all proteins in a living organism, a tissue or a cell is called the proteome. Using mass spectrometry, researchers at the Technical University of ...

Ideas for a sustainable circular economy

The sustainable circulation of materials and products, powered by regenerative energy sources, in order to bring about a healthy future: that is the underlying vision of the circular economy. Universities have a key role ...

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