Urban and rural poor are different, according to Swiss study

According to a study from the World Bank, global poverty is unequally distributed among urban and rural areas: four out of five people with income below the poverty line live in rural regions. Previously, it was unclear whether ...

The complex organization of an ant colony

The colonies of social insects are complex systems that are entirely self-organized. Scientists who looked at the demographic, genetic and morphological structure of ant colonies were able to show how this self-organization ...

Novel antibiotic deceives bacteria through mimicry

Most antibiotics need to penetrate their target bacteria. But Darobactin, a newly discovered compound, is much too large to do so. Nonetheless, it kills many antibiotic-resistant pathogens—by exploiting a tiny weak spot ...

Veal calf fattening: It can work with less antibiotics

By adopting a few simple measures, farmers can drastically reduce the use of antibiotics and improve the well-being of their animals without economic disadvantages. This was confirmed in a field trial– the first of its ...

How bacteria sleep through antibiotic attacks

Bacteria can survive antibiotic treatment even without antibiotic resistance by slowing down their metabolism and going into a type of deep sleep. A research team funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation reveals the ...

Monitoring glaciers with optical fibers

Seismic monitoring of glaciers is essential to improving our understanding of their development and to predicting risks. SNSF Professor Fabian Walter has come up with a new monitoring tool in the form of optical fibers. The ...

'Green peas' provide clues to the early days of the universe

It is probable that primordial galaxies triggered the period in the history of the universe known as "cosmic reionization." The Geneva-based astronomer Anne Verhamme has succeeded in demonstrating this by studying green pea ...

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