New class of old star cluster discovered

( —Star clusters with properties not seen before have been discovered by an international team of astrophysicists, led by Swinburne University of Technology's Professor Duncan Forbes.

Global database for water-use efficiency

By examining the carbon isotope composition of tree-rings, researchers from Swinburne and the University of California, Davis have compiled the first comprehensive global database for water-use efficiency.

Turning winery waste into biofuels

Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology have developed a technique for converting winery waste into compounds that could have potential value as biofuels or medicines.

How 'doping' boosts next-gen solar cells towards commercialisation

An international team of researchers has brought a new generation of solar cells a step closer to commercialisation, by showing how sunlight can trigger a 'healing process' in the cells to improve their efficiency and stability.

Legumes for a sustainable farming future

Climate change and food security are two of the greatest challenges facing humanity. At Swinburne, Professor Mark Adams is exploring how legumes can play a role in sustainable agriculture.

The great galactic recession

A simulated universe created by Swinburne University of Technology and The University of Melbourne has revealed galaxies emerging in the first billion years after the Big Bang were experiencing a recession.

Training robots to relieve chronic pain

Researchers at Swinburne have developed a collaborative robot system to automatically treat back, neck and head pain caused by soft tissue injury.

Toward ultra-sensitive diagnostic chips

An international team, led by Swinburne researchers, has developed an ultra-thin nanostructure gold film—or metasurface—with the potential to revolutionize next-generation bio-sensing chips.

Smart dressings speed healing of chronic wounds

Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology are developing innovative nanofibre meshes that might draw bacteria out of wounds and speed up the healing process.

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