How cheetahs outsmart lions and hyenas

Cheetahs in the Serengeti National Park adopt different strategies while eating to deal with threats from top predators such as lions or hyenas. A new study in Springer's journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology shows ...

Not so fast—our fishy friends can also feel pain

Do you still believe that fish are dumb and cannot feel pain? That we do not have to worry much about how they are cared for or caught? Think again, says Culum Brown of Macquarie University in Australia, in a review article ...

Quantum holograms as atomic scale memory keepsake

Russian scientists have developed a theoretical model of quantum memory for light, adapting the concept of a hologram to a quantum system. These findings from Anton Vetlugin and Ivan Sokolov from St. Petersburg State University ...

Revisiting quantum effects in MEMS

New calculations shows that the influence of quantum effects on the operating conditions of nanodevices has, until now, been overestimated.

Chimpanzees learn rock-paper-scissors

Chimpanzees of all ages and all sexes can learn the simple circular relationship between the three different hand signals used in the well-known game rock-paper-scissors. Even though it might take them longer, they are indeed ...

Relativity of rotational motion confirmed

It has been one hundred years since the publication of Einstein's general theory of relativity in May 1916. In a paper recently published in EPJ Plus, Norwegian physicist Øyvind Grøn from the Oslo and Akershus University ...

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