Where will the next Steve Jobs come from?

We Americans like to congratulate ourselves for producing great thinkers, business leaders, artists and brain-on-fire innovators. Last week, we lost one of our very best in Steve Jobs.

Do without the Internet? (w/ Video)

The number of Internet users worldwide has now surpassed two billion and so many of us have integrated the web into our lives that it's hard to quantify how much it's worth to us. But The Fund for American Studies gave it ...

New Texas native: 96-million-year-old croc

(PhysOrg.com) -- Making its first appearance in Texas, a prehistoric crocodile thought to have originated in Europe now appears to have been a native of the Lone Star State.

Tiny teeth are new mouse species, a rare 'living fossil'

(PhysOrg.com) -- Tiny fossil teeth discovered in Inner Mongolia are a new species of birch mouse, indicating that ancestors of the small rodent are much older than previously reported, according to paleontologist Yuri Kimura, ...

Mapping Dino Footprints in 3-D

The May 2011 issue of Earth Magazine reports on the research of SMU paleontologists in the SMU Huffington Department of Earth Sciences.

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