Macaque fossils discovered at the bottom of the North Sea

Together with two colleagues from the Netherlands, Senckenberg scientist Ralf-Dietrich Kahlke examined the teeth of several macaques from the bottom of the North Sea. They constitute the first fossil evidence of Old World ...

Hairy snail discovered in 99-million-year-old amber

International researchers, including Senckenberg's Dr. Adrienne Jochum, have discovered a new species of land snail in an approximately 99-million-year-old piece of amber. The snail's shell features short, bristly hairs that ...

Messel boa: Live birth in a 47-million-year-old snake

An Argentine-German team of scientists, including Senckenberg's Krister Smith, has discovered the world's first fossil evidence of live birth in snakes. The fossil they examined came from the Hessian UNESCO World Heritage ...

The giant sloth megatherium was a vegetarian

Together with an international team, Senckenberg scientists examined the diet of the extinct Giant Sloth Megatherium. Based on analyses of the collagen in the fossil bones, the researchers concluded in their study, which ...

Europe's most recent fossil of giant tortoise discovered

An international team of scientists, including Uwe Fritz and Christian Kehlmaier from Senckenberg, has made an astonishing discovery in the Zubbio di Cozzo San Pietro cave in Sicily, a burial site from the Copper/Bronze Age: ...

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