Saint Mary's University (SMU) is located in Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada. The school is best known for having nationally lead programs in Business, Astronomy and International Development Studies as well, one of the best football and Men's hockey programs in Canada. The campus is situated in Halifax's South End and covers approximately 40 acres (16 ha). Founded in 1802 by Reverend Edmund Burke, Saint Mary's is the second oldest English-speaking and first Roman Catholic initiated university in Canada. With meagre resources Burke initiated instruction for young men at Glebe House, located on the corner of Halifax's Spring Garden Road and Barrington Street. The Roman Catholic church founded St. Mary's University at Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1840. In 1841 the Nova Scotia Legislature bestowed the degree granting charter to Saint Mary's and eleven years later granted the University formal legal status.


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Taming a poison: Saving plants from cyanide with carbon dioxide

A team of Canadian and Finnish scientists has discovered cyanoformate—a simple, unstable ion involved in the fruit-ripening process that has evaded detection for decades. Their findings reveal that the surrounding medium ...