Accidental discovery of strong and unbreakable molecular switch

An organic material that can repeatedly change shape without breaking would have many useful applications, such as artificial muscles, pumps or as a switch. Physicists at Radboud University accidentally discovered a material ...

Telescopes in space for even sharper images of black holes

Astronomers have just managed to take the first image of a black hole, and now the next challenge facing them is how to take even sharper images, so that Einstein's Theory of General Relativity can be tested. Radboud University ...

Frogs reveal mechanism that determines viability of hybrids

Why are some hybrids viable and others not? It is known that this depends on the father species and the mother species. New research in two related frog species shows the influence of mother and father species: One hybrid ...

Methane bubbles are effect and cause of rise in temperature

Due to climate change, more methane is bubbling up from lakes, ponds, rivers and wetlands throughout the world. The release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas, leads to a further increase in temperature, thus creating a ...

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