Birdsong recognition app launches

QMUL machine learning researcher Dan Stowell and his business partner Florence Wilkinson have launched Warblr, their mobile app that can automatically recognise birds by their song.

Researchers uncover the oldest tea in Britain

Researchers have found what they believe to be the oldest tea in Britain. The dried green tea was acquired in China, around the year 1700, by ship's surgeon James Cuninghame, who subsequently gave it as a gift to the famous ...

How we discovered the three revolutions of American pop

Dr Matthias Mauch discusses his recent scientific analysis of the "fossil record" of the Billboard charts prompted widespread attention, particularly the findings about the three musical "revolutions" that shaped the musical ...

Naked mole-rats' anti-cancer gene is unique among mammals

Naked mole rats are unusual in many ways as a result of adaptations to living underground, with extreme longevity and a lack of the normal signs of ageing. Their resistance to cancer has been linked to the production of a ...

How music listening programmes can be easily fooled

For well over two decades, researchers have sought to build music listening software that can address the deluge of music growing faster than our Spotify-spoilt appetites. From software that can tell you about the music you ...

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