Freezing liquids help to predict properties of prime numbers

( -- The same freezing which is responsible for transforming liquids into glasses can help to predict some patterns observed in prime numbers, according to a team of scientists from Queen Mary, University of London ...

Goat kids can develop accents

The ability to change vocal sounds (vocal plasticity) and develop an accent is potentially far more widespread in mammals than previously believed, according to new research on goats from Queen Mary, University of London.

Cloud computing: The good, the bad, and the ugly

A survey of 31 Cloud computing contracts from 27 different providers has found that many include clauses that could have a significant impact, often negative, on the rights and interests of customers.

Exploring the sound of string theory

A new collaboration between physicists and sound artists at Queen Mary, University of London, has produced a sonification of string theory equations. The project is being unveiled at a concert on 5 and 6 November, 2011.

Can computers do magic?

Magicians could join composers and artists in finding new ideas for their performances by using computers to create new magic effects, according to computer scientists at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL).

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