Coal exit benefits outweigh its costs

Coal combustion is not only the single most important source of CO2, accounting for more than a third of global emissions, but also a major contributor to detrimental effects on public health and biodiversity. Yet, globally ...

Climate costs lowest if warming is limited to 2 degrees Celsius

Using computer simulations of a model by U.S. Nobel Laureate William Nordhaus, researchers have weighted climate damage from increasing weather extremes, decreasing labor productivity and other factors against the costs ...

What counts for our climate: Carbon budgets untangled

A new study published in Nature identifies relevant factors that affect estimates of remaining carbon budgets, and thereby untangles the differences to make estimates more easily comparable, which will help decision-makers ...

Amazon forest can be trained by higher rainfall variability

The Amazon rainforest has evolved over millions of years and even through ice ages. Yet today, human influences and global climate change put this huge ecosystem at risk of large-scale dieback—with major consequences for ...

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