Can cats and coyotes co-exist?

As urban environments continue to encroach on natural habitats, instances of human-wildlife conflict tend to increase. While some animals avoid human contact at all costs, other species thrive in urban habitats. Coyotes, ...

A new 225-million-year-old reptile from Brazil

Maehary bonapartei represents a small reptile that is considered to be the most basal of the evolutionary lineage that gave rise to pterosaurs. A study in PeerJ focuses on this latest find while also demonstrating that Faxinalipterus ...

New sabre-tooth predator precedes cats by millions of years

The fossil, housed in the San Diego Natural History Museum's paleontology collection, offers a window into what the Earth was like during the Eocene Period, more than 40 million years ago. The specimen includes a lower jaw ...

Slender-snouted Besanosaurus was an 8-meter-long marine snapper

Middle Triassic ichthyosaurs are rare, and mostly small in size. The new Besanosaurus specimens described in the peer-reviewed journal PeerJ by Italian, Swiss, Dutch and Polish paleontologists provide new information on the ...

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