PeerJ is an open access peer-reviewed scientific journal covering research in the biological and medical sciences. It is published by a company of the same name that was co-founded by publisher Peter Binfield (formerly at PLOS ONE) and CEO Jason Hoyt (formerly at Mendeley), with financial backing of USD 950,000 from O'Reilly Media and O'Reilly AlphaTech Ventures. It was officially launched in June 2012, started accepting submissions on December 3, 2012, and published its first articles on February 12, 2013. The PeerJ journal is indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, the DOAJ, Google Scholar, EMBASE, CAB Abstracts and the ACS databases. The company is a member of CrossRef, CLOCKSS,[10] ORCID, and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association. They have offices in Corte Madera (California) and London.


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Scientists unlock mysteries of orangutan communication

In a study published in PeerJ, scientists have revealed the intricate vocal patterns of Bornean orangutans, shedding new light on the complexities of their communication. Titled "Vocal Complexity in the Long Calls of Bornean ...

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