New technique accurately digitizes transparent objects

A new imaging technique makes it possible to precisely digitize clear objects and their surroundings, an achievement that has eluded current state-of-the-art 3D rendering methods. The ability to create detailed, 3D digital ...

New software turns mobile-phone accessory into breathing monitor

Researchers have developed new software that makes it possible to use low-cost, thermal cameras attached to mobile phones to track how fast a person is breathing. This type of mobile thermal imaging could be used for monitoring ...

Core solutions reach optimally extreme light pulses

As scientist probe nature ever more precisely with laser pulses, now aiming for the zeptosecond regime - a trillionth of a billionth of a second and the fastest scale of time measured - optimizing each parameter of those ...

Clamping down on causality by probing laser cavities

Since the realization of the first laser cavity countless questions have been asked for which laser light has provided the answer. Numerous questions have also been posed in an effort to improve on our abilities to produce ...

Getting hold of quantum dot biosensors

Quantum dots (QDs) have found so many applications in recent years, they can now be purchased with a variety of composite structures and configurations. Some are available suspended in a biologically friendly fluid, making ...

Relativistic self-focusing gives mid-IR driven electrons a boost

Conventional particle accelerators can range from large room-sized devices to facilities multiple kilometers across. One of the ways that scientists have looked to reduce the size and expense of future accelerators is by ...

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