Honey bees rapidly evolve to overcome new disease

An international research team has some good news for the struggling honeybee, and the millions of people who depend on them to pollinate crops and other plants.

Taming oceans for 24/7 power

Fossil fuels propelled the Industrial Revolution and subsequent technological advances. However, our future cannot be based on them, if only because they are a finite resource; and we are very close to exhausting them.

Using entangled particles to create unbreakable encryption

The discovery of quantum mechanics opened the door to fundamentally new ways of communicating, processing, and protecting data. With a quantum revolution well underway, long unimaginable opportunities are coming within our ...

Coral study reveals secrets of evolution

Corals first appeared on earth nearly half a billion years ago during the Cambrian Period of the Paleozoic Era. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle categorized corals as zoophyta, or "plant-animals", due to their plant-like ...

Bridging the gap between the quantum and classical worlds

In the quantum world, physicists study the tiny particles that make up our classical world - neutrons, electrons, photons - either one at a time or in small numbers because the behaviour of the particles is completely different ...

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