Generating glow-in-the-dark light using organic materials

Glow-in-the-dark materials are used worldwide for emergency signs, watches, and paint. This useful characteristic fuels a global market worth approximately US$400 million. But the inorganic crystals that are currently needed ...

Tiny droplets offer glimpse of real life inside a living cell

The inside of a cell is a busy, crowded place—full of proteins and other molecules colliding as they swirl through the cytosol, the fluid that fills the cell. The interactions between these molecules drive the cell's activities. ...

Study: Machine learning a useful tool for quantum control

In the everyday world, we can perform measurements with nearly unlimited precision. But in the quantum world—the realm of atoms, electrons, photons, and other tiny particles—this becomes much harder. Every measurement ...

Key protein linked to appetite and obesity in mice

Researchers from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) have identified a protein that plays a key role in how the brain regulates appetite and metabolism. Loss of the protein, XRN1, from ...

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