The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) is an interdisciplinary graduate school located on Okinawa, Japan. The school offers a 5-year PhD program in Science. Over half of the faculty and students are recruited from outside Japan, and all education and research is conducted entirely in English. The university has no departments—OIST researchers conduct multi-disciplinary research in neuroscience, mathematical and computational sciences, physics, chemistry, integrative biology and molecular, cell, and developmental biology. According to the Mission Statement, OIST's objectives are to "conduct internationally distinguished education and research in science and technology in Okinawa, to contribute to the promotion and self-sustaining development of Okinawa and to contribute to the development of science and technology worldwide."


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Using entangled particles to create unbreakable encryption

The discovery of quantum mechanics opened the door to fundamentally new ways of communicating, processing, and protecting data. With a quantum revolution well underway, long unimaginable opportunities are coming within our ...

Beyond the ink: Painting with physics

Falling from the tip of a brush suspended in mid-air, an ink droplet touches a painted surface and blossoms into a masterpiece of ever-changing beauty. It weaves a tapestry of intricate, evolving patterns. Some of them resemble ...

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