The Sorting Hat: An AI-powered image classifier for cell biologists

Cell division is an important process that underlies biological growth and repair. Cell biologists track this process by observing chromosomes—structures made of DNA that contain the genetic material of an organism. Advances ...

New gene-edited barley that could improve beer

After a spell of unexpected rain, before the harvest season, a farmer may be faced with the unpredictable problem of untimely sprouting of barley. Sprouted barley fetches considerably lower market prices and poses an economic ...

Study shows protein hydrophobic parts do not hate water

Proteins are the workers, messengers, managers, and directors of nearly all inter- and intra-cellular functions in our body. So, all advances in biology, pharmaceuticals, and related fields hinge on having a fundamental understanding ...

A new genome assembly for the 'Fielder' wheat cultivar

Wheat is a staple in the diets of numerous cultures. Increasing wheat production efficiency would help feed more people and reduce associated agricultural costs. Genetic engineering has the potential to generate better wheat ...

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