New technology aids recovery of Alaska plane wreck

On Alaska's Mount Gannett, pleasant weather can turn nasty quickly. Sunshine gives way to frigid rain; clear skies fall victim to thick storm clouds and fog. Not ideal conditions for exploring a 63-year-old plane wreck on ...

ONR: Helping to train the future canine force

Canines have proven to be expert bomb detectors for U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. But with combat operations winding down, the Office of Naval Research's (ONR) Expeditionary Canine Sciences program is taking a fresh ...

Cutting F-35 manufacturing costs, time earns ONR top award

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) today received one of the nation's top manufacturing awards for an innovative, cost-saving method for making advanced cockpit enclosures, or canopies, for the F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike ...

Underwater defense: New ways to protect divers in the deep

Special Operations divers like Navy SEALs take on life-threatening risks such as enemy combatants and harsh environments. But another hazard is silent and unseen—oxygen toxicity, the result of breathing lethal levels of ...

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