Strep bacteria compete for 'ownership' of human tissue

A well-accepted principle in the animal kingdom—from wasps to deer—is that creatures already occupying a habitat nearly always prevail over competitors from the same species that arrive later. Such infighting for the ...

Dense liquid droplets act as cellular computers

An emerging field explores how groups of molecules condense together inside cells, the way oil droplets assemble and separate from water in a vinaigrette.

Subway stations near river tunnels have worst air quality

Subway riders waiting in stations near tunnels that run below the city's rivers are exposed to higher levels of hazardous pollutants than are found in other stations. The "river-tunnel effect," as researchers call it, may ...

New tool reveals gene behavior in bacteria

Bacterial infections cause millions of deaths each year, with the global threat made worse by the increasing resistance of the microbes to antibiotic treatments. This is due in part to the ability of bacteria to switch genes ...

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