The recessive genes that make a carrot orange

A new study of the genetic blueprints of more than 600 types of carrot shows that three specific genes are required to give carrots an orange color. Surprisingly, these three required genes all need to be recessive, or turned ...

Study examines the hard reality that no pollen means no seeds

North Carolina State University researchers have successfully transferred an important gene from one compartment of a plant cell to another to produce tobacco plants that lack pollen and viable seeds, while otherwise growing ...

Nanoscale material offers new way to control fire

High-temperature flames are used to create a wide variety of materials—but once you start a fire, it can be difficult to control how the flame interacts with the material you are trying to process. Researchers have now ...

Male moth 'aphrodisiac' revealed

North Carolina State University researchers have identified the specific blend of pheromone chemicals—including a newly revealed aphrodisiac—used by male moths during courtship as they attempt to entice females to mate.

Why you shouldn't declaw tigers or other big cats

Declawing house cats to keep them from scratching people and furniture is controversial—and even banned in some countries and areas in the U.S.—but the practice is not limited to house cats. In a new study, researchers ...

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