The recessive genes that make a carrot orange

A new study of the genetic blueprints of more than 600 types of carrot shows that three specific genes are required to give carrots an orange color. Surprisingly, these three required genes all need to be recessive, or turned ...

How racism shapes Black motherhood in the US

Being a mom is hard. Being a Black mom is especially hard. A new study from North Carolina State University underscores the ways that being a Black mother in the United States involves navigating aspects of parenthood that ...

Canopy gaps help Eastern hemlock outlast invasive insect

A new study finds that creating physical gaps in the forest canopy gives Eastern hemlocks more access to resources and help those trees withstand infestation by an invasive insect. The approach adds another tool to the toolkit ...

Study examines the hard reality that no pollen means no seeds

North Carolina State University researchers have successfully transferred an important gene from one compartment of a plant cell to another to produce tobacco plants that lack pollen and viable seeds, while otherwise growing ...

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