How linked data, artificial intelligence could help animals

Dating apps are making predictions about who you'll fall in love with while marketers are using your online data to predict what you'll want to buy. As technology has transformed how people work, shop and date, ecologists ...

You can make carbon dioxide filters with a 3D printer

In a new study, North Carolina State University researchers demonstrated that it's possible to make carbon dioxide capture filters using 3-D printing. Specifically, they printed a hydrogel material that can hold carbonic ...

Artificial muscle fibers could serve as cell scaffolds

In two new studies, North Carolina State University researchers have designed and tested a series of textile fibers that can change shape and generate force like a muscle. In the first study, published in Actuators, the researchers ...

Study tracks how newcomers may change ecosystem functions

In a study tracking climate-induced changes in the distribution of animals and their effects on ecosystem functions, North Carolina State University researchers show that resident species can continue managing some important ...

Helping migratory birds travel more safely

A new study is underway to characterize risks for migratory birds as they travel north from Central and South America and from the Caribbean in the spring, and south in the fall.

How are dinosaur tissues preserved in deep time?

Ever since Mary Schweitzer found soft, stretchy tissue in a T. rex fossil in 2004, scientists have been trying to come to grips with how some biological tissues and cells could preserve within ancient critters.

Researchers identify a new genetic culprit in canine bladder cancers

Researchers have identified new genetic mutations linked to a subset of canine bladder cancers. Their findings have implications both for early cancer detection and for targeted treatments in dogs and humans. The study is ...

New tools capture economic benefit of restoring urban streams

An interdisciplinary team of researchers has developed a suite of tools to estimate the total economic value of improving water quality in urban streams. The work can assist federal and state agencies charged with developing ...

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