The new face of the plastics crisis

Newcastle University research has uncovered the presence of plastic in a new species of deep-sea amphipods which has been discovered in one of the deepest places on earth.

Methanotrophs: Could bacteria help protect our environment?

New insight into methanotrophs, bacteria that can oxidise methane, may help us develop an array of biotechnological applications that exploit methane and protect our environment from this potent greenhouse gas.

Touch typists could help stop spammers in their tracks

( -- Computer scientists at Newcastle University are about to give office workers a perfect excuse to play games: it's all in the name of research. Dr Jeff Yan, together with his PhD student Su-Yang Yu, has created ...

'Economic violence' caused RBS to fail, new study suggests

University academics look at bank's management and discover why the bank failed. The management style adopted by former senior executives at the Royal Bank of Scotland amounted to ’economic violence’ used to build ...

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